Tuesday, 9 September 2014

NLP Liverpool - Certified training - Autumn programme 2014

So here we are, Autumn has arrived, with what feels like more calm and sunny days than the last half of the summer. Time for blackberries, conkers and wasps! 

It's also time for most of us to get back to work after a short break and find that the stresses and strains we forgot during those days on the beach, evaporate almost as soon as we sit behind our desks again. So to help with combating stress, we're running an NLP Practice group in September on this very topic. See the website www.nlpliverpool.com for full details and booking link

"Stress relief at the push of a button".

NLP Practice group 24th September 2014 

We all feel so much better after a holiday, it seems as soon as we go back to work, the normal patterns of behaviour seem to automatically return. Sadly, the benefit of a well-earned weeks rest seems lost. Wouldn’t it be great to re-capture that fully relaxed holiday feeling and summon it instantly when you need it most?

We're going to look at a powerful NLP technique called anchoring and teach you a few ways to use it in stressful situations. You will learn how to find inner calm in the midst of chaos. 

These are relaxed and friendly evening workshops, everyone is welcome. We start with some light refreshments at 6:30 and begin the programme at 7. We aim to be finished by around 9:15, be warned, the last people usually leave as we close the room at nearer 10. 

As always we have a packed programme of certified NLP training and private coaching this Autumn, with course dates scheduled into 2015.

NLP Practitioner course - 7 days

NLP Master Practitioner course - 10 days

(both are certified by Richard Bandler and the Society of NLP)

Presentation skills masterclass - 2 days

1 to 1 coaching by arrangement. Face to face 2 hour, half day, full day or hourly Skype & telephone sessions available

Individual NLP session for personal development or therapy - by arrangement.

As always our website has the most up to date information, head over there to see what else we have to offer. Or call us on 0151 931 5184 for more details or to discuss your requirements.

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