We're also hoping to sneak away for a week or two's Welsh Camping, but it seems that this has triggered an big demand for our services, George has a full day of training and coaching in Birmingham this week, has had a couple of phone clients today and has worked the last few weekends as well.
The new schedule for Autumn has been on the website for a few weeks now, with a couple of NLP Practitioner courses lined up for early October and late Nov/Dec, with flexibility to split the study (and the cost) into 2 parts.
You can access a copy here http://www.nlpliverpool.com/Assets/NLP%20Liverpool%20Calendar%202013.pdf
We've also had a big increase in the number of people wanting to complete an NLP Practitioner course in their own time 1 to 1 (hence the weekend working) which we've been able to accommodate. If this is what you're looking for, give us a call on 0151 931 5184 and we'll fit the study to your schedule.
Our next NLP Practice group is running in Liverpool on Wednesday 18th September, we'll be taking suggestions for the next few weeks, so if you have a good idea of a subject to work on, then email me and let me know, or post it to our Facebook page, and we'll gauge reaction.
Watch the website or Facebook for updates, or better still, put it into your diary now and email me to register your interest and I'll keep you posted and remind you to book nearer the time.
That's all for now folks, I've a mailing to get out, watch for it hitting you mailbox or email me julie@nlpliverpool.com to get your copy.
As always, you can connect with our via social media - we love to hear from you, get in touch
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/#!/NLPLiverpool
Twitter https://twitter.com/JulieCliverpool
LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/pub/julie-cunningham/5/1b1/875
Website http://www.nlpliverpool.com
Email julie@nlpliverpool.com
Telephone 0151 931 5184 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting

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