Tuesday, 1 June 2010

How did it get to be June already?

Where did nearly half the year go? I must have lost at least a month somewhere. I've probably spent some of it staring into the back of my computer improving my frown lines and tearing my hair out.

Ssssshhhhh, all seems to be well at present on the hardware and software front, with a large mailing to go out tomorrow, I'm really hoping that will remain the case, otherwise tomorrow could be a VERY late night.

May has been a busy month for us, we've just finished another Master Practitioner course, it's such a pleasure to have students come back to build on their practitioner training, by now they are old friends, and we are able to build exactly the training they want as we know them so well. Whether they are therapists, business managers, solicitors or trainers themselves, we tailor the training so they are able to use the techniques where they need them.

We're now gearing up for the Summer Practitioner course at the end of June, with only a few places remaining and future funding options likely to be limited, (bye bye SkillWorks -we'll miss you!) we are urging people to study now, while the last scrapings of EU funding are available.

We've booked our next NLP taster for the evening of 9th September, and will take provisional bookings now, as they've proved very popular in the past.

We're very excited to read your stories for our June Newsletter competition, and looking forward to awarding the £100 prize before we publish it to our website. If you'd like a chance to win, just go to the website www.nlpliverpool.com and sign up for the newsletter by the end of June, which has all the details, send us your tale of woe, and keep your fingers crossed.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Julie Cunningham

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