Wednesday, 7 October 2009

World Mental Health Day - This Saturday 10th October

It's World Mental Health Day this Saturday, 10th October, are you calm and serene or are you permanently stressed?

Most of us do our best to look after ourselves, we pay a subscription to the gym (and sometimes even go), make sure we get the requisite 5 fruit and veg a day (and no, the lemon in a G & T does not count) and speaking of alcohol, we all try and kid ourselves that we keep within sensible limits. Maybe we even put on the occasional slap of moisturizer to keep the lines away. Some people obsess about every calorie they put to their lips and spend hours in the supermarket comparing nutritional tables between pots of low fat yoghurt.

How often do you think about your mental health? Most of us are so busy and so stressed just getting through each day, that often we neglect to make time to wind down. The BBC Headroom website is an excellent resource for mental well being with great information on huge a variety of ailments, therapies and brilliant no-nonsense advice.

Check it out, and do sign up for their newsletter.

Your mental well being is up to you - make time to relax when you're stressed, follow the advice on the website and make time to smile. A lot.

2010 is coming! We've got our first NLP Taster event booked for 1st February, check out the details on our website and register your interest now.