Wednesday, 20 April 2016

We've had a really busy few months and I've been very slack keeping the blog up to date. I post frequently to our Facebook page - the modern way is short and sweet, little and often, rather than a long page of considered prose. Still, if you've been waiting for a Blog post, apologies for the long wait, here it is.

We're in the middle of a number of weekend-only courses which we were asked to run by a couple of clients. We've always said we'd offer training when people wanted it - so we're quite used to evening and weekend sessions, and even twilight sessions - which seem to be preferred by a number of professions. So if you want to train over a different schedule than advertised - do contact us and we'll see what we can fit in. We're taking expressions of interest for an Autumn practitioner to run at weekends, so contact us to make sure the dates will suit you.

We have been getting large groups for our practice groups recently, with subjects like "Dealing with difficult people" and "Swish Patterns", "Positive thinking - change your mind for good" proving to be very popular. The next event will be on Monday 23rd May, and we'll be working on Anchoring - full details on our website as always, with a booking link through PayPal or by email to me, Do please book in advance, we cater a light buffet on the night and need to prepare enough handouts so you get to take home all the resources after the event.

Here's a picture of a recent event - it gets busy, so do book early!

And if you prefer to keep up to date, in the modern little and often way here's a link to our Facebook page where you'll find all the news, events, and quite a lot of useful (and time wasting) snippets.

Do contact us with comments, enquiries and suggestions and to make sure you get our email newsletters, drop me a line. You can email me at  and call us on 0151 931 5184. We look forward to hearing from you.

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