I'm not sure where the time has gone since I last posted, and am sure there are a few posts that have vanished into the ether over Summer and Autumn. And so here we are, at the start of a New Year. I hope 2013 has started off well for you and that you continue to work towards being happier and healthier this year.
My own resolutions have had a shaky start, the daily walk has not happened at all. I'm not chained to this desk, but I often feel bound to carry on, that a walk would be an indulgence, rather than a useful time to clear my head and think and plan. The weather has also been cold, drizzly and grey here, so there has been no temptation to go out, I'd get cold and wet, and I'm not very good at either. Better get out soon, I hear a big freeze is on its way, so maybe today, I'll wrap up and venture out.
I've made a good start at the planning for this year and given the website a quick dust off. The 2013 course timetable is available for download, with courses scheduled into July already. There have been a flurry of calls over the last few days, with bookings and enquiries as far ahead as June, which shows how much people look to their future in the New Year.
There's a mailing to head out next week, and we're putting together the programme for the NLP Liverpool Practice Group on Monday 11th February. We're going to be looking at Assertiveness, and how to use NLP to be more assertive. These are really enjoyable evenings, relaxed training in a friendly group. Come along. See our website www.nlpliverpool.com for full details and to make your booking.
Been a busy week of meetings for George this week, with some bespoke training work coming up over the next few weeks. It seems companies are spending their training budgets wisely by consulting with us for delivery of very specific training - which is what we do best. It's great to go into an organisation and find out exactly where the improvements are needed and design and deliver training to fulfil that need. It's very satisfying work. I really enjoy finding new materials to use, so we can evolve the training all the time. It keeps it fresh and interesting and means I am always learning about new fields.
Do visit the website www.nlpliverpool.com , or
connect via Facebook http://www.facebook.com/NLPLiverpool,
Twitter https://twitter.com/JulieCliverpool and
Linked in http://www.linkedin.com/pub/julie-cunningham/5/1b1/875
Or better still, call us 0151 931 5184 for information about our courses or private coaching session. We'd love to hear from you.
Be your best in 2013
Julie Cunningham