Tuesday, 10 January 2012

It's been an exceptionally busy start to the year, it seems everyone has decided that this is the year they are going to make a change. And when they want to make the change, they need to do it now! I spent the first few days of the year making sure the website was updated and current, with our course calendar for the rest of 2012.

We're making it our mission to help as many people as possible become confident presenters, and have a 2 day course running every month until at least the middle of the year. We're only taking 10 on each course, to ensure everyone gets enough time on their feet to make a massive difference to their delivery techniques. So choose your dates and book your course as soon as possible, see the website for details.

The NLP Liverpool practice group on 18th January is booking up fast, and as we'll be working on "Dealing with difficult people" we're expecting a bumper turn out. From a vicious boss to those nasty relatives, or that annoying salesperson or insubordinate or sulky staff member, we'll teach you techniques to deal with them, and leave you with the tactics to help in the future. We're also hoping to pick up some spectacular stories from you, so if you've a tale to tell, bring it along and we'll help you with difficult people and situations. Click here for more details and booking via PayPal.

As always, there is an 8 day NLP Practitioner course in the offing, with the next dates scheduled for 3rd - 10th February and 18th - 25th June. Book now and we can hold your place and even arrange for you to pay in installments if you'd find that easier.

Sign up for our newsletter to keep in touch with all our latest news and special offers, visit the website and sign up.

Until next time
