Currently struggling with a conflict of interest. As well as trying to keep on top of running everything in the office, it's also Half Term, which presents some interesting challenges. In the battle between work and half term, today the work is winning, which results is 3 tetchy children, and a slightly guilty Mum. Any engaging activity seems to require my personal supervision, and undivided attention, which is completely incompatible with getting anything done. I'm trying to encourage quiet colouring and lego building rather than TV watching, and really I'd love to down tools and get sticky and glittery and bake cakes, but I've got too much overdue already.
I've got a mailing due out later, and then I'm hoping to just respond to calls and emails for the next few days and maybe even get some time out of the office and into the fresh air.
It's all systems go for the next certified NLP Practitioner course 5th -12th March, nice group so far, I'm looking forward to working with them. We could always add in a few more, so if you're tempted, call me today on 0151 931 5184 to discuss funding options or flexible study arrangements.
We're also looking to put together some dates for another Taster event, sometime after Easter. If you'd like to register your interest, visit the website, and email me your preferred evening or weekend day and date. We'll then have an idea which days suit people best.
Do email me or comment on the post, it'd be nice to know it's being read.
Better go, work to do,