Friday, 25 May 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

We've been very busy over the last few months, and once again I have neglected my blog. The usual Friday evening, end of week slot I set aside for updating the blog seems to have been swallowed up by other things for the last few weeks. I really enjoy the writing, as reviewing my week helps me fell proud of what I've achieved, and plan the following week's activities. So I MUST do it more regularly.

I'll let you into a little secret, I attended a Liverpool Chamber 60 Really Useful Minutes session on Blogging this morning, with Sara Sartorius from Brava Design. I learned about some platforms we're not currently using, and it would be a waste put some of it into practice straight away! Look out Pinterest, here I come.

This month we've also attended a number of networking events and I was lucky enough to get a place on a superb Social Networking seminar run by The Women's Organisation, which really helped me with twitter.

We've run a couple of NLP Liverpool Practice groups since I last wrote the blog, both were well attended and great evenings. For the April event, we ran the "Dealing with Negativity" workshop again, as so many people had wanted to come and were unable to make the first event. The May evening was "Dealing with Procrastination" - We just couldn't put it off any longer. This was a great fun evening, based around the premise of "Eat That Frog". The frog is the unpleasant task you are likely to put off until later, or until it's urgent or worse still, overdue. The idea behind the Eat That Frog principle is that if the worst thing you have to do today is eat a frog, then better get it out of the way first. And if you've a number of frogs  to eat, better start with the biggest and ugliest. See the book by Brian Tracy for more ideas on being more efficient.

We ran a "Building on Success" workshop for an Ad agency in Liverpool recently which was very well received. It's so important in the current climate that organisations continue to train their staff and also take time to recognise their successes and focus how to build on them in the future.

Next week, we'll be mailing our newsletter with details of the next NLP evening session, "Silencing the Worrier Within", which promises to be another stimulating evening of learning NLP techniques you can relate to your work and life. Do come and join us. See for full details.

There's still time to book for the NLP Practitioner Programme 18th - 25th June, call me on 0151 931 5184 straight away to register your interest.

Time to sign off now, do follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and sign up for the blog, which I'm going to grow and re-format over the next few months.

Until next time

Keep Well,
