I love writing the blog on a Friday, especially when it's been a good week. I always find it a great way to review events and very occasionally give myself a pat on the back, and also help clear my head for next week's tasks.
We went to an excellent 60 really useful minutes session at Liverpool Chamber today looking at Outlook and using it more efficiently. It was delivered by Rachael and Tracey from Happy and I've come back to the office and put some of the tips into use straight away. Just a few small changes should make a big difference. Some of the features I'd not used were demonstrated and I realised that just moving things about on the screen would make a big difference. I'll also be better able to keep tracks on what I've delegated and whether George has done it!
The rest of the week has been an interesting mixed bag of training, admin, accounts, prospecting and meetings, one of which we had over Skype to save us driving into North Wales. It was very tempting to have an "away day" in beautiful scenery, and the drive is often a great opportunity to plan without the usual distractions. Face to face meetings are also much nicer, but common sense prevailed and we saved some CO2 and chatted over broadband instead. Being able to share the screen is great too, especially when you are planning a brand new course and merging two sets of ideas into one supercharged training. It's going to be great, and the content should be almost complete next week, with first delivery set sometime in January.
George had a couple of days individual training booked at the beginning of the week, which gave me some quiet time in the office to catch up with the admin and accounts side of things.
Think that's where I'll start again on Monday. Going to return to Outlook now and do some more weeding and filing.
Very satisfying.
Happy Weekend All