Tuesday, 29 March 2011

NLP Liverpool Practice Group Takes Off

We're just preparing a mailing for the next NLP Practice Group Meeting next Tuesday 5th April 6:30 - 9pm in Liverpool. The last event went so well, that we're running this next one much sooner than we expected.

We worked on swish patterns last time, and had a broad mix of experience from beginner through to a number of Master Practitioners we have trained, who generously shared their expertise. It was great to see new and familiar faces alike, all learning from one another.

If you'd like to attend, hurry and book now through our website www.nlpliverpool.com and we will look forward to seeing you next Tuesday.

Remember we still have places for our June Certified NLP Practitioner course, email (julie@nlpliverpool.com) or call me (0151 931 5184) to register your interest or to book.

Keep checking back for updates,
